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Amazon touts anti-Israeli books,

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:54 pm
by sheila19621
I have some severely interesting points of discussion, and I may even be right. However, by delivering my message using spam, I am partaking of internet terrorism and should probably not be allowed to continue. This, in itself, is censorship, but that's what you get when you do something like this. If I wish to spread the message further, I will do my cause a lot more good if I can think of an acceptable medium in the future, and I'm sorry to have spammed you.

I hope I've learned something from this.

- Edited by GreenCrayon; yes, all of it -

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:22 pm
by marTAY
This looks like severe bottitude. Could one of the moderators please change the poll options to make them more schadenfreude-esque?

Re: Amazon touts anti-Israeli books,

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:38 pm
by seannewton
It sounds amazing. I want to suggest the best video game this year. It is [url=]minecraftle game[/url] which offers an engaging gameplay. You can try it if you have free time.