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Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:45 pm
by Lethal Interjection
LordRetard wrote:I don't know many people who don't drink tea (although I will not drink hot black tea, excluding chai, as it will routinely ruin me and my stomach).
Count me among them. I've never liked it. Though I feel that the number of them has increased since I was a kid (as have my taste preferences), and thus have some inclination to try it again. Particularly after smelling some of the looseleaf my sister and friends have purchased over the past few years.
Kimra wrote: As for parties I'm all for being drunk, but I require vodka, or baileys or something that I can actually drink
Tried that once, didn't work. I think me and a friend polished off a 26er of Baileys in about 2 hours and I didn't feel a thing. Except for my disgustingly sticky lips. That is one thing I won't likely buy again. I'll buy Amarula next time. Tastes a little better, I think, and the sweetness is more natural, less sugary.

As for cake, I also don't care for your standard cakes. I'll eat it, but only if it is a birthday thing or sommat. And it has too look tasty and not like a standard boring cake.
I love cheesecake, icecream cake, and some of your other not-quite-cake cakes, but I tend to shy away from standard cake.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:24 pm
by GreenCrayon
Wow, this topic just keeps flailing about.

Tea: I like. I enjoy black tea, green tea*, chai, lapsang souchong**, Moroccan mint tea, and I'm not just being a stereotyped Brit here. I like coffee too. And hot chocolate.

Cake: Those are some awesome fantastically inventive cakes, and I heartily approve of people making them and any others.

Booze: I like beer and its "tougher" cousins (ales, stout), spirits, cocktails, cough medicine***, wine, and pretty much anything, including Baileys and similar cream-based alcohols. But long-time readers might remember I absolutely adore absinthe, and recommend it to anyone of a suitable age. The only things I tend not to enjoy are cider (which I'm slowly being drawn back towards) and tequilla, which tastes like it's going to make me ill and invariably does.

We can gather from this that I like things.

*I have what is the most hippy green tea I've come across so far; the bags are unbleached (so brownish) and it comes in recycled cardboard from Fairtrade sources. I'm so proud of that stuff, I almost wish I could walk around and show it off to people.
**Has anyone ever noticed lapsang souchong smells a little bit like marijuana? I'm always a bit scared that after I've brewed some, I'll get visited by unsympathetic police officers who then turn about my house in search of illegal substances. Maybe I worry too much. Maybe the tea is making me paranoid.
***I jest. But I did know someone (with a severe kidney problem, no less) who would partake of cough medicine without the prerequisite cough. Put me off the idea, for definite.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:48 pm
by Sahan
It is an unusual day when I don't have some form of tea, usually black, at least once through the day. That's really coming from being in a family that drink tea on an almost hourly basis on weekends, and they make some for me too so I don't feel left out.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:16 pm
by Cirtur
I would like to try absinthe but am having trouble obtaining some.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:19 pm
by Apocalyptus
GreenCrayon wrote: I absolutely adore absinthe
It is ones of my life's ambitions to try proper, authentic absinthe! Does that make me sad? Maybe.

P.S. I am a bit obsessed with crazy obscure different types of tea. My favourites include Green Chai, Spiced Dandelion, Liquorice and Kangaroo Chai*.

*Does not actually contain Kangaroos

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:13 pm
by Kimra
Apocalyptus wrote:
GreenCrayon wrote: I absolutely adore absinthe
It is ones of my life's ambitions to try proper, authentic absinthe! Does that make me sad? Maybe.

P.S. I am a bit obsessed with crazy obscure different types of tea. My favourites include Green Chai, Spiced Dandelion, Liquorice and Kangaroo Chai*.

*Does not actually contain Kangaroos
Theres a tea shop in Sydney I've been to once or twice (I had nowhere else to be and I knew someone who wanted to go) and they serve and sell some of the most obscure teas around. The sort that have flowers blooming in them, etc. My favourite was Blue Hawaii, which was, you guessed it, blue. I could see the appeal of sitting there every week trying to find the perfect flavour.

Also, Kangaroo Chai only tastes good when it's got Kangaroo extract in it.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:16 pm
by smiley_cow
My choice of tea depends on how much caffeine is in it, but I like all kinds. My favourite though is probably fruity herbal teas.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:57 pm
by LordRetard
I always have to check the coffee and tea shops when I'm in an unfamiliar place. Also, don't knock cough syrup until you've tried it; THEN you can knock it!*

The worst thing about being my age is the booze, though. People my age have no taste, and it's embarrassing. I've seen these people finish vodka coolers by the litre and I have never seen or tasted anything so gross in my life (excluding carbonated coffee and kosher wine). I don't understand why they won't do something like drink sissy-boy liqueurs, which are geniunely delicious and hardly taste like alcohol.**

*Really, really terrible. Seriously. Don't do it. Big kids only.
**I can imagine myself drinking a big honkin' bottle of amaretto. I don't know but that might make someone very ill.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:58 pm
by mountainmage
LordRetard wrote:Also, don't knock cough syrup until you've tried it; THEN you can knock it!*
*Really, really terrible. Seriously. Don't do it. Big kids only.
Big as in large? Because you're only 18.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:11 pm
by LordRetard
You know very well that I mean big as in large. I mean I am losing weight, though...

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:13 pm
by Cirtur
I have picked out a gym to join. Once we have lost weight we could compare six-packs.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:26 pm
by LordRetard
No. We're not doing that. At that I've basically stopped training whatsoever because I'm too damn lazy.

A bunch of my friends want me to start sparring with them, I think it's because I'm big but they know I can't fight so they're going to try and beat me and brag to everyone else. Thus, to level the plane, I am going to put ball bearings in my gloves.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:30 pm
by Cirtur
Instead of ball bearings, use poisoned daggers!

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:37 pm
by LordRetard
Why don't I just shoot them.

Re: Whiskey is like a sweater on the inside

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:40 pm
by Cirtur
Because then the judges will suspect...