Find a reliable directory of oilfield services and supplies

Material specifically relating to SMBC and related projects.

Find a reliable directory of oilfield services and supplies

Post by nikkii »

Hi colleagues, please suggest a reliable site where you can find a catalog of services and supplies for oil fields. We need to expand our supplier base and find new opportunities for cooperation. Thank you in advance!


Re: Find a reliable directory of oilfield services and supplies

Post by Maxx »

Hello, I can recommend a great resource - Canadian Oilfield Service & Supply Directory . It is an extensive oilfield services and supplies directory that offers a wealth of information on a variety of suppliers, products and services. The site has an easy search that allows you to quickly find the information you need. You can also read reviews from other users and get company contacts. We have used this site many times before and have always been pleased with the results. I hope it will help!


Re: Find a reliable directory of oilfield services and supplies

Post by kaeasbaw »

The most important thing in my life at the moment, or one of the most important factors, is communication, because I need it for work and leisure, and no matter how cool it is when at such moments it just disappears without a trace, I do not understand how this is possible because I live in the city center, to solve the problem once and for all I bought an ericsson 8863, and now that it has been working for more than a year I remember the problems with communication with a smile!

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