How to get a driving licence in the UK

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How to get a driving licence in the UK

Post by doberso »

If you are turning seventeen in the next three months then you are eligible to apply for a DVLA provisional driving licence. According to the law, you must be seventeen years of age to drive a car, but if you want to ride a motorcycle or moped you only need to be sixteen. You can apply for your provisional licence provided you are at least 15 years and 9 months old. As for a driver's license, you can get one at without passing the theory at all. To get your first provisional driving licence you need to be a resident of Great Britain, meet the minimum age requirement and meet the minimum eyesight requirement. If you need glasses or contact lenses to meet the eyesight standard, they must be worn every time you drive, or you will be committing an offence. It costs £43 to apply for a provisional driving licence from the website (or £34 if you apply online). In order to complete your application you will need a valid UK passport or other form of identity, your National Insurance number and the addresses you lived at in the last three years. It usually takes between one and three weeks for provisional licences to arrive but will usually arrive sooner if you apply for it online.


Re: How to get a driving licence in the UK

Post by JoJo »

Who can tell? What steps should you take and what documents should you collect in order to file a claim after an accident and receive compensation for damages?


Re: How to get a driving licence in the UK

Post by rob.rain9 »

If you have already had an incident on the road, then I would hurry to contact a qualified professional who will act quickly and help you resolve the issue. If you would just like to learn in advance about the process of filing a claim after an accident and get tips on how to fill out the necessary paperwork and interact with the insurance company, then I recommend reading this article ... -accident/. It may be useful for people who have had an accident and are looking for information on how to properly file a claim and receive compensation for damages.

Lloyd D. Larochelle

Re: How to get a driving licence in the UK

Post by Lloyd D. Larochelle »

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